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From any application, with the touch of a keystroke, you can annotate any string with information worth sharing or remembering. This could be notes on a customer, evidence from an investigation, or intelligence on a threat.
  • Capture What to Overlay. Polarity users often capture notes from their analysis or organization specific intelligence, sometimes they also connect Polarity to institutional knowledge repositories or external intelligence sources.


Polarity then recognizes what your team has annotated.
  • Computer Vision. By working at the pixel level, Polarity can enable collaboration across any workflow. Polarity instantly integrates the collective memory data with your entire team and toolset.
  • Anything. Polarity can recognize any arbitrary string, even data that would not typically be identified with traditional entity extraction or natural language processing techniques.


The HUD - Polarity incorporates your teams annotations into an actual heads-up display for their desktops that draws directly on their screens to give them superhuman data awareness and recall without affecting their existing workflow.
  • Awareness. Polarity overlays give users awareness of contextual information related to what they are working on, improving decision making, and reducing mistakes.
  • Recall. Spend less time switching between applications because Polarity can overlay contextual information you would have otherwise searched or looked up.
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