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Source Defense Solution

Every website is exposed to 3rd party vulnerabilities Every commercial website includes dozens of integrated 3rd party vendors that help it grow and maximize its business potential. Unfortunately, these 3rd parties introduce a client-side website vulnerability that leaves your website exposed. These 3rd party integrations provide an unmanaged connection between 3rd party JS vendors’ servers and the clients’ browser, which enables hackers to gain unlimited access to the web page, assume total control, and enjoy the same privileges as the website owner. The ONLY real prevention solution Source Defense uses a first-of-its-kind, real-time sandbox isolation technology to provide a unique client-side website security solution focused on preventing malicious activity originating from website supply chain vendors (also known as Magecart and Formjacking attacks). Using machine learning and industry best practices, Source Defense applies an automated and dynamic set of rules and policies that control the access and permissions of all 3rd party tools operating on their website. This way, you can continue enjoying the immense business value you get from website supply chain vendors while making sure they are not used for malicious data extraction or website alteration. Features:
  • Prevent Customer Data Theft
  • Accelerate your Digital Channels
  • Enhance Website Stability
  • Enforce Data Privacy Compliance
  • Real-Time Detection & Prevention
  • Low Operational and Administrative Burdens
  • Instant Alerts and Zero-Touch Remediation
  • Fast Integration, SaaS-Based Solution
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