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Swimlane Platform

Swimlane’s SOAR platform helps security operations centers manage the growing volume of alerts more efficiently by automating time-consuming incident response processes. The solution collects security alert data from virtually any security platform with minimal effort and then automatically responds to alerts using automated workflows and playbooks. Features: Security Orchestration Enable automated incident response by integrating your disparate security tools with security orchestration. Security Automation Swimlane executes security-related tasks at machine speeds during the incident response process—from detection and investigation to resolution—freeing your staff to focus on advanced threat defense. Automate tedious, manual tasks and reduce MTTR. Case Management Robust case management is a critical component of any effective security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR) platform. Instead of acting simply as an evidence locker, Swimlane's dynamic case management provides direct interaction with all data and related actions tied to an incident—allowing analysts to respond faster with greater flexibility. SOC Metrics, Dashboards and Reporting Granular information about the performance of your security tools, processes, and people are critical in order to define clear, realistic short-term and long-term strategies. However, organizations have long struggled to measure the ROI of their SOC. Swimlane’s SOAR platform delivers the key insights and metrics you need while amplifying the efficiency of your security operations.
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