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Darktrace Antigena

Powered by Darktrace’s multi-award-winning AI, Darktrace Antigena is an autonomous response solution that takes action against in-progress cyber-attacks, limiting damage and stopping their spread in real time. The technology works like a digital antibody, intelligently generating measured and proportionate responses when a threatening incident arises. This ability to contain threats using proven AI is a game-changer for security teams, who benefit from the critical time needed to catch up and avoid major damage. Bridging the gap between automated threat detection and a security team’s response, Darktrace Antigena represents a new era of cyber defense that autonomously fights back.
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Darktrace The Enterprise Immune System

The Enterprise Immune System is the world’s most advanced machine learning technology for cyber defense. Inspired by the self-learning intelligence of the human immune system, this new class of technology has enabled a fundamental shift in the way organizations defend themselves, amid a new era of sophisticated and pervasive cyber-threats. The human immune system is incredibly complex and continually adapts to new forms of threats, such as viral DNA that constantly mutates. It works by learning about what is normal for the body, identifying and neutralizing outliers that do not fit that evolving pattern of normality. Darktrace applies the same logic to enterprise and industrial environments. Powered by machine learning and AI algorithms, Enterprise Immune System technology iteratively learns a unique ‘pattern of life’ (‘self’) for every device and user on a network, and correlates these insights in order to spot emerging threats that would otherwise go unnoticed. Like the human immune system, the Enterprise Immune System does not require previous experience of a threat or pattern of activity in order to understand that it is potentially threatening. It works automatically, without prior knowledge or signatures, detecting and fighting back against subtle, stealthy attacks inside the network — in real time. The Enterprise Immune System is the service that uses self-learning technology to detect threats and anomalous behaviours. It is compatible with all major Cloud providers (including AWS, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure). Fully configurable, it allows organisations to monitor all or selected Cloud traffic, with minimal performance impact. Features:
  • Market-leading AI cyber-threat detection in the Cloud;
  • Detects, classifies and visualises cyber-threats that evade other defences;
  • Self-learning technology - world-leading machine learning and AI;
  • Not reliant on historical attacks to predict new threats;
  • Models understanding of what 'normal' enterprise behaviour looks like;
  • Detects threats emerging in real-time;
  • Detects insider threat, low-and-slow attacks, automated viruses;
  • Self-adapting as the organisation changes: no tuning or reconfiguration;
  • New threat identification, irrespective of threat type or attacker;
  • Rapid identification of anomalous activity providing early threat warning.
  • Adaptive - evolves with your organisation;
  • Self-learning - system constantly refines its understanding of 'normal';
  • Probabilistic - works out the likelihood of serious threat;
  • Realtime - spots cyber threats as they emerge;
  • Works from day one - delivers instant value;
  • Low false positives - correlation of weak indicators;
  • Data agnostic - ingests all data sources;
  • Highly accurate - models humans, device and enterprise behaviour;
  • Installs in 1 hour - minimal configuration required;
  • Passive monitoring to model 'pattern of life' usage (non-disruptive).
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