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Anadea Inc. Software Development

Anadea Inc provides full-cycle development from initial concept to a live application. We have all IT specialists for hire – software engineers, designers, mobile developers, QA engineers and DevOps. Our customers get exactly what they want by communicating with engineers directly and controlling the project as if they were in the same room with the team. How we work Dedicated teams. We will assemble for you a dedicated team of experts, who will focus exclusively on your project and on building an app that fully reflects your needs. Client is in control. For the development time, you will become a part of our development team and will be able to guide our developers’ work in real time. Established procedure. Our elaborated development procedure implies clear division of responsibilities, flawless development process, effective quality management and communication systems. TDD. We use the best automated testing methods to guarantee that your application behaves as intended and ensure that making changes doesn’t cause any unexpected side effects. Flexibility. We follow the agile development methodology and we are open to changes and new ideas from your side at any stage of the development. Dealing with challenges. Our deep professional knowledge and solid expertise allow us to take on and cope with complicated tasks requiring creative and novel technical solutions. Knowledge sharing. Each our developer is backed up by the entire Anadea team with all the huge experience, accumulated during our many years in the IT business. Premium technologies Our prime goal is to meet our customer’s expectations by delivering smart and reliable software applications to help them grow their business. To do this, we keep track of the latest innovations and trends in the software development. We are continuously incorporating the most efficient platforms, programming languages and frameworks and we sharpen our technical skills in every project we work on. Our technology expertise includes but not limited to: Server side development: Ruby on Rails, Java, Scala, Node.js. Client side development: HTML5, CSS3, SASS, LESS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, jQuery, Backbone.js, React.js, Angular.js, Knockout.js, Underscore.js, Lodash. Mobile Platforms: Android, iOS/OSX/WatchOS (Objective-C, Swift), React Native. Database Management: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Apache Solr, Elasticsearch. Servers: Apache, Tomcat, Nginx. Cloud Platforms: Engine Yard, Heroku, Amazon EC2, Digital Ocean, Linode. Payment Systems: 3D Secure, PayPal,, Stripe, Braintree, eWay, 2CO, Recurly
. Testing: RSpec, Cucumber, Selenium, Selenium Grid, Calabash, Capybara, SitePrism, Selenide.
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