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Django Stars Software Development

Django Stars is a technical partner with a business vision. We transform your ideas into successful digital products, building it from scratch and supporting as long as you need. We’ve seen our clients growing from small startups to scalable enterprise companies. We were there when they merged with industry leaders and acquired smaller companies. We celebrated every fundraising, every launch and success. And we’re eager to continue doing the same with you. Services: Web Development The web world offers a huge variety of solutions both for your business and your customers. We acquire the most efficient ones to bring you from MVP to scalable enterprise products. Our web development teams specialize in Python, Django, Node.js, AngularJS, and React, and tackle any engineering challenge.
  • SaaS and Cloud Computing
  • CRM & ERP Systems
  • High-load Applications
  • Enterprise & Intranet platforms
  • E-commerce Solutions
  • Geo-based Applications
Mobile App Development Smartphones are our guides, friends and even wallets. We make apps that easily integrate with what people need and expect from a trusted digital product. Depending on your needs, our tools are: Swift, Objective-C, Java, Kotlin, React Native, Cordova, Ionic, and PhoneGap.
  • React Native
  • Android App Development
  • iOS App Development
  • Hybrid Apps (Ionic & PhoneGap)
UI/UX Design Digital products comprise complex development and processes, but customers don’t need to know that. We design your idea the way people want to interact with it, creating human-centered and research-based interfaces with the best UI/UX practices.
  • Product Design
  • Prototyping
  • User Experience Design
  • User Interface Design
  • Brand Identity
  • Motion Design
Data Science Data is a king, especially when you want to get more customers, understand them better, optimize expenses and automate processes. Bring your business to the next level with data-driven solutions, high-load machine learning, and up-to-date AI.
  • Data Architecture
  • Data-Driven Marketing
  • Intelligent Chatbots (AI)
  • High-load & Big Data Solutions
  • Machine Learning Solutions
  • Big Data & Data Analysis
  • Eye-tracking Research
  • ETL Pipelines
DevOps Our approach to collaboration with clients is partnership. DevOps as a culture helps us to deliver top-notch quality both in the development process and team work, while implementing innovations and achieving business goals. As for DevOps tools, we’re constantly sharpening our skills in Docker, Jenkins, Circle CI, Sentry, Terraform, Ansible, Nagios and New Relic.
  • Infrastructure Design
  • Automated Infrastructure Provisioning
  • Continuous Integration and Delivery Pipelines
  • DevOps Assessment and Consulting
  • Scaling and Data Migration
  • Automated Deployment
Quality Assurance QA can save your money, prevent problems and make users happy. To do so, we implement it during the whole development cycle, making sure that the delivered product corresponds to requirements and industry standards. Our QA Engineers are ISTQB certified and provide quality assurance, from testing the business idea to evaluation of real users’ feedback.
  • Full-Cycle QA
  • Functional Testing
  • Test Automation
  • Performance Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Requirements Testing
  • Interface Testing
  • Load and Stress Testing
Our Mission is to turn your ideas into world-class digital products. We help global businesses to grow and embody innovations.
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