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Bizico Software Development

By 2017, we have completed 45 projects with a total amount over 95,000 working hours. We are experienced in developing software for the restaurant business, HR areas, and other business spheres. We have created web applications, mobile applications and services for them. 90% of our customers are long-term. Our location in the East of Europe is favorable for availability around the world. Our services: Custom Software Development Custom application development is the best way to fulfill all your wishes at once. If you have an idea and are looking for a team to meet all your needs and requirements then- you are in the right place. We believe that business consultation before the project is of vital importance as it allows you to share your experience checklist to be implemented in your future application. It is also important for us to offer improvement and necessary additions. Our solutions guarantee:
  • Minimum limits of a development process
  • 100% customization to Client's needs
  • Fast scaling and updating
Web Application Development What is a web application, you may ask? Everything you see in the web – bright images, easy interfaces, rapid page loading, and other cool stuff refers to web applications. But we should consider web application as a business solution solving a wide range of problems and making businesses innovative, fast-growing and highly profitable. Our hi-tech digital solutions can help you:
  • Save time and money
  • Simplify and renew intra-business processes
  • Increase conversion and profit
Mobile Application Development Why can't you live a day without your cell phone? The answer is simple. We all like to be available and socially active. Your smartphone can make you a direct profit if the right mobile app has been installed. So, open the doors of your business to digital transformation and it will serve you in many ways by:
  • Simplifying working process
  • Increasing personal growth
  • Attracting new Customers
Quality Assurance Why Should You Never Skip QA Testing? QA services at Bizico guarantee you the quality of the software we develop for you. Our QA team is your gatekeeper which ensures you that the software meets your specifications. Our quality engineering services:
  • QA process assessment
  • QA process setup and onboarding
  • tracking improvement
With our QA expertise, you can be sure: your product will meet users needs.
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