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Seniordev Software Development

Seniordev was started by three founders with extensive experience in some of the most important fronts that an entrepreneur faces: how to develop an idea into a finished product. We have extensive international hands-on experience with outsourcing, nearshoring and IT development and have learned what works and what does not. The company is located in Bergen, and our development office in Kiev, Ukraine. We believe that to succeed as an entrepreneur with your idea, it is important to work closely with your developers. This means it is you who is the leader of the team, while we facilitate and ensure that the prerequisites are in place. Keywords and areas of emphasis are good architecture, modern technology choices, and to establish good processes adapted to your company. Our methodology is "Lean"​ and do daily morning meetings over video conference, and have a rigid delivery schedule. As Developer in our company, you will notice that our teams are small, there are no project leaders, bureaucracy does almost not exist, flat structure, and there is a huge influence on technology/processes chosen.
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