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Plixer Scrutinizer

Scrutinizer® is the foundation for Plixer’s network traffic analytics system. It stands out in the industry by offering the most scalable solution on the market, delivering the fastest reporting, and providing the richest data context available anywhere. Role-based access automatically presents the network and security teams with the data they need to support fast, efficient network and security incident response. Security benefits Reduce security risks As a security professional, risk reduction is job one. The decadeslong strategy of deploying security products, purchased in the name of prevention, has failed us. Breaches are inevitable. Today, the greatest risk reduction comes from a focus on forensic data and improving time-to-resolution after a breach occurs. Support faster time-to-resolution Faster time-to-resolution is accomplished through a faster timeto-know. Remediation can only occur after root cause has been established, and rich contextual data is the enabler. Scrutinizer gathers flows and metadata from across your entire network infrastructure, providing the visualization and reporting of the forensic details you need for faster time-to-resolution. Deliver contextual forensics Access to high volumes of disparate data does not lead to faster response. In fact, it can have the opposite effect. The best context and response come from the correlation of network-related metadata gathered from firewalls, switches, routers, and distributed probes, all stitched together into a single database. Scrutinizer centrally collects and correlates data from every corner of your existing network, providing the critical information you need. Network benefits Enrich data context of network traffic Better context is achieved by correlating traffic flows and metadata collected from all corners of the network into a single database. Scrutinizer offers rapid filtering and reporting from this rich data to deliver deep insight, allowing you to answer the questions: who, what, where, when, why, and how. Increase efficiency and reduce cost Scrutinizer offers the industry’s fastest and most accurate reporting, delivering visibility into bandwidth, application, and user utilization (including the WAN and SD-WAN). When users complain, but your SNMP tool’s lights are all green, what do you do? You turn to Scrutinizer to protect customer satisfaction, productivity, and revenue. Monitor network and application performance Network/application optimization and root cause analysis require true end-to-end visibility. Scrutinizer delivers by collecting, visualizing, and reporting on data that extend all the way from the user through to the cloud. It also provides real-time detection of DDoS attacks, minimizing disruption and loss of revenue. Achieve fast reporting and massive scale Scrutinizer’s hierarchical design with streamlined and efficient data collection allows you to start small and easily scale to multi-millions of flows per second. Although the network is always blamed, fast and accurate reporting allows the network team to identify root cause and, as is often the case, deliver proof of network innocence.
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