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STEALTHbits Technologies StealthDEFEND

Why StealthDEFEND
  • Authentication-based attacks factored into 4 out of every 5 breaches involving hacking.
  • The Mean Time to Identify (MTTI) an attack is 197 days.
  • Companies that contained a breach in less than 30 days saved over $1 million.
Every attacker is after the same two things; credentials and data. Once inside, attackers aim to discover your environment, find and compromise privileged credentials, and leverage those credentials to access, exfiltrate, or destroy data. StealthDEFEND is the only real-time threat detection and response solution purpose-built to protect these two common denominators in every breach scenario. Features: Advanced Attack Detection Detect and respond to the specific tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) attackers are leveraging when attempting to compromise Active Directory and File System data. Response Playbooks Automatically or programmatically respond to threats the instant they’re detected using an extensive catalog of preconfigured and customizable response actions. These response playbooks can be easily shared across the organization to standardize threat responses. Machine Learning & User Behavior Analytics (UBA) Identify unusual activity as compared to the behavioral profile created by StealthDEFEND’s unsupervised machine learning engine. Deception Tools Proactively lure attackers into making the wrong move with built-in honeypot deployment, management, and detection. Automated Context Injection Automatic tagging of privileged users, groups, data, and resources appropriately adjusts risk ratings associated with abnormal or nefarious behaviors. Comprehensive Investigations Perform comprehensive forensic investigations on users and related activities in ad-hoc fashion or for compilation of digital case files. User-Defined Threats Define threats and their parameters in alignment with your organization’s specific needs and requirements. Reduce false positives by setting thresholds for how often an activity occurs before action is taken. Console Security Leverage any 3rd party One-Time Password (OTP) MFA solution supporting RADIUS for console access and configuration activities.
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