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GeoMedia  provides simultaneous access   to geospatial data in almost any form and displays it in a single unified map view for efficient processing, analysis, presentation, and sharing. GeoMedia’s functionality makes it ideal for extracting information from an array of dynamically changing data to support making informed, smarter decisions.
GeoMedia gives you the freedom to spend less time trying to connect to your data so you can focus on what you want to achieve with it. GeoMedia is a leading GIS software choice among users who want to connect directly to the spatially- enabled databases they already use—such as Oracle, SQL Server, and PostGIS data server—without using importers  or converters. Additionally, GeoMedia can access many common geospatial file formats, most computer-aided design (CAD) formats (MicroStation and AutoCAD), Esri’s ArcView and File GeoDatabase, KML, simple text files, and OGC web services such as WMS, WMTS, and WFS. GeoMedia also includes an ERDAS APOLLO catalog explorer to spatially search, find and display image data directly in the map window.
GeoMedia offers a multitude of options for ensuring the data you add to your GIS is high quality and that it remains that way during its lifespan. GeoMedia streamlines the addition of large volumes of data to your enterprise database, ensures the data meets your standards for completeness (attributes are populated and geometry is valid), and matches the data model your organization uses. It lets you ingest and integrate multiple data sources with differing schemas into a  single, high-quality source. GeoMedia provides smart feature modeling capabilities that recognize the relationships between features representing real-world objects in a network, such as sewer, water, electric, or gas assets. By recognizing those relationships during the editing process, GeoMedia increases operator productivity and helps ensure that edits are consistent with real-world business rules so the network is always represented correctly within your GIS.
GeoMedia gives you the power to perform sophisticated analysis to extract information from data stored in multiple databases on different platforms and a variety of different files, all at once. It also enables you to create queries of unlimited intricacy, creating and concatenating queries together so that the results of one query feed into another query dynamically. As the data changes, GeoMedia updates the results for you automatically, giving you a living picture of the real-life situations portrayed by your data. This capability can also be used to conduct powerful “what-if” analyses for strategic planning. Whenever you need to find a location or address as part of your analysis, GeoMedia’s address geocoding and matching is fast and accurate and works with your data regardless of where you are in the world. GeoMedia lets you properly identify a location within your street network using both rooftop and centerline models. GeoMedia supports a wide range of coordinate reference systems from around the world and seamlessly performs on- the-fly transformation of both vector and raster data into the CRS  you choose for your map.
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