

Products found: 15

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Allot Communications Secure Service Gateway

Protect network uptime and efficiency Allot Secure Service Gateway is built on the same carrier-class performance and reliability that Allot brings to many of the world’s largest network operators. Flexible redundancy configurations plus passive bypass with automatic port failover maximize uptime and availability. Automate operations and lower TCO Allot Secure Service Gateway integrates multiple functions in an Intel-based platform that protects your investment and lets you scale from 2 to 22 ports of 1GE/10GE network connectivity in a single appliance. Get the visibility you need to control application performance Allot provides live traffic monitoring and usage reporting according to traffic policies that are mapped to your complex data center and cloud applications, giving you full visibility and control of application performance, web access, user quality of experience, shadow IT and web threats. Protect users from Internet threats and enforce acceptable use Allot helps you embrace and maximize the business value of cloud (web) applications by detecting and blocking malware, phishing and other web threats before they harm application performance and user productivity. Allot Secure Service Gateway also detects and surgically filters DDoS and bot traffic before it affects your network. With Allot Secure Service Gateway you can:
  • See how well your mission-critical applications are performing and supporting user productivity
  • Control application performance and improve Quality of Experience according to business priorities
  • Keep malicious or unauthorized user/application traffic off your network
  • Neutralize threats and ensure ongoing performance of business applications
  • Enforce Acceptable Use Policy for shadow IT, BYOD, resource usage
  • Troubleshoot and resolve network issues in real time
  • Simplify and automate your operations
  • Reduce opex and TCO
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Amazon (AWS) решение для улучшения производительности

Решение проблемы низкойпроизводительности с помощью сервисов AWS Домен размещается в Amazon Route 53. Это высокодоступный и масштабируемый облачный веб-сервис системы доменных имен (DNS). Используется система анти DDoS AWS Shield. Этот сервис, совместно с Amazon Route 53 обеспечивает комплексную защиту от всех известных инфраструктурных атак (уровень 3 и 4). Виртуальный сервер EC2 типа C4, оптимизированный для нагрузок, требующих больших вычислительных мощностей. Необходима настройка auto scaling ресурсов и балансировка входящей на сервер нагрузки. В случае каких-либо пиковых нагрузок, вычисительные ресурсы автоматически масштабируются, что позволяет выдержать практически любую нагрузку. С целью повышения надежности и отказоустойчивости, а также уменьшения затрат на администрирование - выделение аппаратного обеспечения, настройка базы данных, установка исправлений и резервное копирование, для размещения базы данных - Amazon Relational Database Service.  Для повышения скорости работы сайта используется ElastiCashe - веб-сервис, упрощающий развертывание и масштабирование в облаке хранилища или кэша в памяти, а также управление ими. Настройка расширенного мониторинга приложения и базы данных осуществляется с помощью AWS CloudWatch. Путем создания различных правил, администратор сразу же получает sms уведомление на мобильный и на e-mail в случае возникновения непредвиденной ситуации. Для отправки сообщений CloudWatch интегрируется с сервисом AWS SNS (simple nitification service). Помимо отправки сообщений, при определенных обстоятельствах срабатывают тригеры, которые вызывают различные функции автоматизации, реализованные с помощью AWS Lambda.   Автоматически по расписанию создаются и сохраняются на AWS S3 бекапы базы данных и сервера приложений.  Используется диск с повышенной пропускной способностью Provisioned IOPS. На каждый инстанс БД может быть выделено до 40 000 IOPS.  Решение обеспечивает очень высокую производительность при низкой стоимости и одновременной автоматизации трудоемких задач администрирования. 
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Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)

Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) provides persistent block storage volumes for use with Amazon EC2 instances in the AWS Cloud. Each Amazon EBS volume is automatically replicated within its Availability Zone to protect you from component failure, offering high availability and durability. Amazon EBS volumes offer the consistent and low-latency performance needed to run your workloads. With Amazon EBS, you can scale your usage up or down within minutes – all while paying a low price for only what you provision. Amazon EBS is designed for application workloads that benefit from fine tuning for performance, cost and capacity. Typical use cases include Big Data analytics engines (like the Hadoop/HDFS ecosystem and Amazon EMR clusters), relational and NoSQL databases (like Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL or Cassandra and MongoDB), stream and log processing applications (like Kafka and Splunk), and data warehousing applications (like Vertica and Teradata). Amazon EBS Features Persistent block storage for Amazon EC2 delivering capabilities and performance for the most demanding applications High Performance Volumes Choose between SSD-backed or HDD-backed volumes that can deliver the performance you need for your most demanding applications. Availability Each Amazon EBS volume is designed for 99.999% availability and automatically replicates within its Availability Zone to protect your applications from component failure. Encryption Amazon EBS encryption provides seamless support for data-at-rest and data-in-transit between EC2 instances and EBS volumes. Access Management Amazon’s flexible access control policies allow you to specify who can access which EBS volumes ensuring secure access to your data. Snapshots Protect your data by creating point-in-time snapshots of EBS volumes, which are backed up to Amazon S3 for long-term durability. Elastic Volumes Dynamically increase capacity, tune performance, and change the type of live EBS volumes.  Amazon EBS Benefits Highly available, high performance, persistent block storage for Amazon EC2. Reliable, Secure Storage Each Amazon EBS volume provides redundancies within its Availability Zone to protect against failures. Encryption and access control policies deliver a strong defense-in-depth security strategy for your data. Consistent, Low-latency Performance Amazon EBS General Purpose (SSD) volumes and Amazon EBS Provisioned IOPS (SSD) volumes deliver low-latency through SSD technology and consistent I/O performance scaled to the needs of your application. Backup, Restore, Innovate Protect your data by taking point-in-time snapshots of your Amazon EBS volumes providing long-term durability for your data. Boost the agility of your business by using Amazon EBS snapshots to create new EC2 instances. Quickly Scale Up, Easily Scale Down Amazon EBS allows you to optimize your volumes for capacity, performance, or cost giving you the ability to dynamically adapt to the changing needs of your business. Geographic Flexibility Amazon EBS provides the ability to copy snapshots across AWS regions, enabling geographical expansion, data center migration, and disaster recovery providing flexibility and protecting for your business. Optimized Performance An Amazon EBS–optimized instance provides dedicated network capacity for Amazon EBS volumes. This provides the best performance for your EBS volumes by minimizing network contention between EBS and your instance.
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Amazon ElastiCache

Amazon ElastiCache offers fully managed Redis and Memcached. Seamlessly deploy, operate, and scale popular open source compatible in-memory data stores. Build data-intensive apps or improve the performance of your existing apps by retrieving data from high throughput and low latency in-memory data stores. Amazon ElastiCache is a popular choice for Gaming, Ad-Tech, Financial Services, Healthcare, and IoT apps. Benefits EXTREME PERFORMANCE Amazon ElastiCache works as an in-memory data store and cache to support the most demanding applications requiring sub-millisecond response times. By utilizing an end-to-end optimized stack running on customer dedicated nodes, Amazon ElastiCache provides secure, blazing fast performance. FULLY MANAGED You no longer need to perform management tasks such as hardware provisioning, software patching, setup, configuration, monitoring, failure recovery, and backups. ElastiCache continuously monitors your clusters to keep your workloads up and running so that you can focus on higher value application development. SCALABLE Amazon ElastiCache can scale-out, scale-in, and scale-up to meet fluctuating application demands.  Write and memory scaling is supported with sharding. Replicas provide read scaling. Amazon ElastiCache Engines
Amazon ElastiCache for Redis
Amazon ElastiCache for Redis is a blazing fast in-memory data store that provides sub-millisecond latency to power internet-scale real-time applications. Built on open-source Redis and compatible with the Redis APIs, ElastiCache for Redis works with your Redis clients and uses the open Redis data format to store your data. Your self-managed Redis applications can work seamlessly with ElastiCache for Redis without any code changes. ElastiCache for Redis combines the speed, simplicity, and versatility of open-source Redis with manageability, security, and scalability from Amazon to power the most demanding real-time applications in Gaming, Ad-Tech, E-Commerce, Healthcare, Financial Services, and IoT.

Amazon ElastiCache for Memcached
Amazon ElastiCache for Memcached is a Memcached-compatible in-memory key-value store service that can be used as a cache or a data store. It delivers the performance, ease-of-use, and simplicity of Memcached. ElastiCache for Memcached is fully managed, scalable, and secure - making it an ideal candidate for use cases where frequently accessed data must be in-memory. It is a popular choice for use cases such as Web, Mobile Apps, Gaming, Ad-Tech, and E-Commerce.
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AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. You pay only for the compute time you consume - there is no charge when your code is not running. You can use AWS Lambda to extend other AWS services with custom logic, or create your own back-end services that operate at AWS scale, performance, and security. AWS Lambda can automatically run code in response to multiple events, such as HTTP requests via Amazon API Gateway, modifications to objects in Amazon S3 buckets, table updates in Amazon DynamoDB, and state transitions in AWS Step Functions. Lambda runs your code on high-availability compute infrastructure and performs all the administration of the compute resources, including server and operating system maintenance, capacity provisioning and automatic scaling, code and security patch deployment, and code monitoring and logging. All you need to do is supply the code. Introducing AWS Lambda functions The code you run on AWS Lambda is called a “Lambda function.” After you create your Lambda function it is always ready to run as soon as it is triggered, similar to a formula in a spreadsheet. Each function includes your code as well as some associated configuration information, including the function name and resource requirements. Lambda functions are “stateless,” with no affinity to the underlying infrastructure, so that Lambda can rapidly launch as many copies of the function as needed to scale to the rate of incoming events. After you upload your code to AWS Lambda, you can associate your function with specific AWS resources (e.g. a particular Amazon S3 bucket, Amazon DynamoDB table, Amazon Kinesis stream, or Amazon SNS notification). Then, when the resource changes, Lambda will execute your function and manage the compute resources as needed in order to keep up with incoming requests. KEY PRODUCT FEATURES Extend other AWS services with custom logic AWS Lambda allows you to add custom logic to AWS resources such as Amazon S3 buckets and Amazon DynamoDB tables, making it easy to apply compute to data as it is enters or moves through the cloud. It is easy to get started with AWS Lambda. First you create your function by uploading your code (or building it right in the Lambda console) and choosing the memory, timeout period, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. Then, you specify the AWS resource to trigger the function, either a particular Amazon S3 bucket, Amazon DynamoDB table, or Amazon Kinesis stream. When the resource changes, Lambda will run your function and launch and manage the compute resources as needed in order to keep up with incoming requests. Build custom back-end services You can use AWS Lambda to create new back-end services for your applications that are triggered on-demand using the Lambda API or custom API endpoints built using Amazon API Gateway. By using Lambda to process custom events instead of servicing these on the client, you can avoid client platform variations, reduce battery drain, and enable easier updates. Bring your own code With AWS Lambda, there are no new languages, tools, or frameworks to learn. You can use any third party library, even native ones. AWS Lambda supports Java, Node.js, C#, and Python code, with support for other languages coming in the future. Completely automated administration AWS Lambda manages all the infrastructure to run your code on highly available, fault-tolerant infrastructure, freeing you to focus on building differentiated back-end services. With Lambda, you never have to update the underlying OS when a patch is released, or worry about resizing or adding new servers as your usage grows. AWS Lambda seamlessly deploys your code, does all the administration, maintenance, and security patches, and provides built-in logging and monitoring through Amazon CloudWatch. Built-in fault tolerance Lambda has built-in fault tolerance. AWS Lambda maintains compute capacity across multiple Availability Zones in each region to help protect your code against individual machine or data center facility failures. Both AWS Lambda and the functions running on the service provide predictable and reliable operational performance. AWS Lambda is designed to provide high availability for both the service itself and for the functions it operates. There are no maintenance windows or scheduled downtimes. Automatic scaling AWS Lambda invokes your code only when needed and automatically scales to support the rate of incoming requests without requiring you to configure anything. There is no limit to the number of requests your code can handle. AWS Lambda typically starts running your code within milliseconds of an event, and since Lambda scales automatically, the performance remains consistently high as the frequency of events increases. Since your code is stateless, Lambda can start as many instances of it as needed without lengthy deployment and configuration delays. Run code in response to Amazon CloudFront requests With Lambda@Edge, AWS Lambda can run your code across AWS locations globally in response to Amazon CloudFront events, such as requests for content to or from origin servers and viewers. This makes it easier to deliver richer, more personalized content to your end users with lower latency. Orchestrate multiple functions You can coordinate multiple AWS Lambda functions for complex or long-running tasks by building workflows with AWS Step Functions. Step Functions lets you define workflows that trigger a collection of Lambda functions using sequential, parallel, branching, and error-handling steps. With Step Functions and Lambda, you can build stateful, long-running processes for applications and backends. Integrated security model AWS Lambda allows your code to securely access other AWS services through its built-in AWS SDK and integration with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). AWS Lambda runs your code within a VPC by default. You can optionally also configure AWS Lambda to access resources behind your own VPC, allowing you to leverage custom security groups and network access control lists to provide your Lambda functions access to your resources within a VPC. WS Lambda is SOC, HIPAA, PCI, ISO compliant. For the latest in Lambda certification and compliance readiness, please see the full services in scope. Pay per use With AWS Lambda you pay only for the requests served and the compute time required to run your code. Billing is metered in increments of 100 milliseconds, making it cost-effective and easy to scale automatically from a few requests per day to thousands per second. Flexible resource model You choose the amount of memory you want to allocate to your functions and AWS Lambda allocates proportional CPU power, network bandwidth, and disk I/O.
BENEFITS No servers to manage AWS Lambda automatically runs your code without requiring you to provision or manage servers. Just write the code and upload it to Lambda. Continuous scaling AWS Lambda automatically scales your application by running code in response to each trigger. Your code runs in parallel and processes each trigger individually, scaling precisely with the size of the workload. Subsecond metering With AWS Lambda, you are charged for every 100ms your code executes and the number of times your code is triggered. You don't pay anything when your code isn't running.
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Dynatrace All-in-one

Dynatrace is a software-intelligence monitoring platform that simplifies enterprise cloud complexity and accelerates digital transformation. With Davis (the Dynatrace AI causation engine) and complete automation, the Dynatrace all-in-one platform provides answers, not just data, about the performance of your applications, their underlying infrastructure, and the experience of your end users. Dynatrace is used to modernize and automate enterprise cloud operations, release higher-quality software faster, and deliver optimum digital experiences to your organization's customers. Dynatrace seamlessly brings infrastructure and cloud, application performance, and digital experience monitoring into an all-in-one, automated solution that's powered by artificial intelligence. Dynatrace assists in driving performance results by providing development, operations, and business teams with a shared platform, metrics. In this way, Dynatrace can serve as your organization's single "source of truth." Dynatrace capabilities Dynatrace provides the following capabilities for monitoring and analyzing the performance of all aspects of your application environment.
  • Real User Monitoring
  • Mobile app monitoring
  • Server-side service monitoring
  • Network, process, and host monitoring
  • Cloud and virtual machine monitoring
  • Container monitoring
  • Root-cause analysis
How Dynatrace delivers its capabilities Three patented technologies unique to Dynatrace dovetail with one another to enable automatic discovery, modeling, and analytics of each component and dependency across all tiers of your application. Dynatrace provides true full-stack monitoring. OneAgent technology uses a single agent to collect and unify all operational and business performance metrics for all types of entities in your application environment—servers, applications, services, databases, and more—across each layer of your technology stack (including containers). Smartscape visualization technology maps everything running in your environment and detects all causal dependencies between websites, applications, services, processes, hosts, networks, and cloud infrastructure. Dynatrace patented PurePath Technology® captures timings and code-level context for application transactions end to end, across all supported technologies, from cloud to mainframe. Dynatrace is a Software Intelligence Platform that's purpose-built for the enterprise cloud. Software intelligence – Dynatrace isn't just an application performance monitoring (APM) solution; it's a platform that provides software intelligence. This means that Dynatrace gives you visibility and, more importantly, precise, AI-backed answers across your entire digital ecosystem, including the digital experiences of your users, the performance of your applications and infrastructure, and your IT operations (AIOps). Platform – Dynatrace is an all-in-one platform with a broad set of built-in capabilities. Dynatrace is also an open platform—you can extend the platform using our API, SDK, and plugins to ingest data and events from third-party solutions into Davis®, our AI causation engine. You can also drive automation by integrating Dynatrace with your ITSM and CI/CD tools. Purpose-built for the enterprise cloud – Dynatrace was built specifically to handle today’s dynamic, hybrid, multi-cloud environments, which often include apps and microservices that are deployed in containers. What can you do with Dynatrace? Dynatrace is an all-in-one platform that's purpose-built for a wide range of use cases.
  • Infrastructure Monitoring. Dynatrace delivers simplified, automated infrastructure monitoring that provides broad visibility across your hosts, VMs, containers, network, events, and logs. Dynatrace continuously auto-discovers your dynamic environment and pulls infrastructure metrics into our Davis® AI engine, so you can consolidate tools and cut MTTI.
  • Applications and Microservices. Dynatrace provides automated, code-level visibility and root-cause answers for applications that span complex enterprise cloud environments. Dynatrace automatically captures timing and code-level context for transactions across every tier. It also detects and monitors microservices automatically across the entire hybrid cloud, from mobile to mainframe.
  • Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM). Dynatrace DEM provides Real User Monitoring (RUM) for every one of your customer's journeys, synthetic monitoring across a global network, and 4K movie-like Session Replay. This powerful combination helps you optimize your applications, improve user experience, and provide superior support across all digital channels.
  • Digital Business Analytics. By tying business metrics and KPIs to data that's already flowing through our application performance and digital experience modules, you get real-time, AI-powered answers to your critical business questions.
  • Cloud Automation. Dynatrace AIOps gives you precise answers automatically. Dynatrace collects high-fidelity data and maps dependencies in real-time so that the Dynatrace explainable AI engine, Davis®, can show you the precise root causes of problems or anomalies, enabling quick auto-remediation and intelligent cloud orchestration.
How does Dynatrace work? There are three concepts that are key to understanding how Dynatrace works:
  • OneAgent – a single agent that automatically discovers, instruments, and collects high-fidelity monitoring data from everything in your IT environment.
  • Smartscape – an interactive environment topology map that visualizes the dynamic relationships among all your application components across every tier.
  • Davis® AI engine – analyzes everything (including all relationships and dependencies within complex IT environments) to provide answers, not just data. Davis® tells you when there is a problem, the business impact of the problem, and the root cause of the problem so that you can fix it quickly, including automated remediation through integration with your CI/CD tools.
How is Dynatrace different from other cloud monitoring solutions? Dynatrace has a radically different approach compared to other monitoring tools. Here are the four key differences:
  • Automatic. From deployment to instrumentation, discovery, dependency mapping, baselining, problem identification, and root-cause, Dynatrace is completely automatic. Simply install Dynatrace OneAgent on your hosts. That's it.
  • Full stack. While other solutions monitor and report on numerous metrics, Dynatrace provides context. This includes understanding and mapping all the relationships and interdependencies, top to bottom, from end-user experience all the way down to the infrastructure.
  • AI at the core. AI is everywhere today. While other solutions have "bolted on" machine learning in an attempt to reduce alert noise, the Davis® AI engine is at the heart of our platform, processing billions of dependencies in milliseconds and serving up precise answers that go well beyond human capabilities.
  • Web scale. The Dynatrace Software Intelligence Platform is built with a cloud-native architecture that scales without limits. With role-based governance for large global teams, automatic enterprise-wide deployment and full-stack coverage across infrastructure, cloud platforms and applications, Dynatrace is made for the most demanding enterprise cloud environments.
Part of your enterprise cloud ecosystem

Dynatrace is integrated with key components of your enterprise cloud ecosystem to support dynamic cloud orchestration, including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, VMware Tanzu Application Service, Red Hat OpenShift, and Kubernetes. In these environments, Dynatrace automatically launches and monitors the full cloud stack and all the applications and containers running within the stack, including applications and workloads that may traverse multiple cloud and hybrid environments.

Our close integration with cloud platforms helps you simplify development and operations, increase visibility, and improve situational awareness across hybrid, multi-cloud environments.

Dynatrace deployment models Dynatrace can be deployed either as a SaaS solution, with the option of retaining data in the cloud, or within an on-premises deployment. The on-premises version is called Dynatrace Managed. This allows customers to maintain control of where their data resides, whether in the cloud or on-premises, combining the simplicity of SaaS with the control of an on-premises deployment. With either SaaS or a Managed service, Dynatrace is automatically and effortlessly upgraded, so you always have our latest innovations.
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Flowmon APM

APPLICATION PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT FOR IT OPERATIONS Application Performance Tool With Flowmon APM you can start transparent application monitoring in a matter of minutes. Understand how every application behaves to every user in real-time with analysis of application protocols and communication between application and database servers. Flowmon APM automatically identifies performance problems, reveals root causes and provides IT operations with deep-insight diagnostics to drive user experience and application value. For all the users, for all the transactions for your business. See target applications. Is your critical web application running smoothly? What if your customers face a slow response of your business application? What if you do not even know that your employees are struggling with errors when working with internal systems? How promptly do you detect an error and the root cause? Flowmon Application Performance Monitor (APM) solution proactively monitors your business critical applications from the end user perspective so you always know how they stack up. With no agents on servers, no changes in configuration. FLOWMON APM DELIVERS TO IT OPERATIONS Agentless solution for transparent application monitoring. Flowmon APM does not affect infrastructure or applications in any way. Ultimate end-to-end Tool. Manage application delivery chain from end to end. Distinguish between network/application/database issues and optimize user experience. Installation in 3 steps for quick time-to-value. The setup process allows the user to have running application monitoring in a matter of minutes. A pre-configured set of tools and reports provide immediate understanding of application behavior. Hard data for capacity planning and infrastructure upgrade. Get a real insight into infrastructure utilization to optimize and plan capacity. Ease of use via intuitive GUI and priceless APM Index. APM Index expresses application performance in terms of SLA and helps to resolve problems with no unnecessary delays. Find out more in Flowmon APM Product Brief. Reduction of costs and time spent on troubleshooting. Flowmon APM provides a comprehensive set of tools for effective troubleshooting, cutting down the time needed to investigate the source of application problems. IMPROVE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY
  • Monitor applications based on HTTP/HTTPS protocols
  • Database application monitoring
  • Troubleshoot application performance issues
  • Enhance customer and internal user satisfaction
  • Measure and report service level agreements (SLA), declare QoS
  • Receive hard data for infrastructure upgrade
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Ixia IxLoad

Measure the quality of experience of real-time, business-critical applications with converged multiplay service emulations. PROBLEM: ENDANGERED QUALITY OF EXPERIENCE In today’s highly competitive landscape, organizations must meet stringent network quality requirements to deliver the best customer experience. However, a widening array of multimedia applications, and an increasing number of users, is making it harder—and more expensive—than ever to validate converged multiplay services and application delivery platforms. Without a way to properly test these services, customer quality of experience is at risk. SOLUTION: A HIGHLY SCALABLE AND EASY-TO-USE SOLUTION FOR TESTING AND VALIDATION IxLoad delivers comprehensive performance testing for validating user quality of experience. IxLoad works by emulating web, video, voice, storage, VPN, wireless, infrastructure, and encapsulation/security protocols to create realistic scenarios. A modular system design allows IxLoad to scale with your infrastructure while real-time quality of experience metrics let you drill down to quickly identify network degradations and isolate breaking points. Since IxLoad is as easy to use as it is effective, you don’t have to be a protocol expert to achieve complete end-to-end service validation. KEY FEATURES
  • Offers the industry’s highest HTTP, SSL, and IPsec performance and scale
  • Delivers end-to-end testing of converged wireless and wired application delivery infrastructure and services
  • Provides real-time insight into QoE
  • Emulates fully integrated broadband network infrastructures with application traffic testing
  • Serves as the only test solution in the market that can model the dynamic nature of user behavior
  • Achieves seamless application performance validation across physical and virtual networks 
  • Emulates a blend of real-world application traffic used on today’s networks (AppLibrary)
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IxNetwork is a comprehensive network infrastructure performance testing solution. It scales to handle most powerful devices and largest networks, from routing and switching to data center ethernet and software defined networking. PROBLEM: NETWORK COMPLEXITIES PUT PERFORMANCE TO THE TEST Organizations have long tested their networks for scale and performance. But as networks become increasingly complex, so do the challenges of ensuring peak network performance and resiliency. Forget about simply testing for sluggish response times: The right testing tool must now assess complex network topologies with thousands of network devices, emulate sophisticated traffic flows, and conduct stress tests under countless scenarios and network conditions. SOLUTION: A RELIABLE TEST SYSTEM FOR COMPLEX AND UNPREDICTABLE NETWORKS IxNetwork delivers performance testing under the most challenging conditions. Capable of generating multiple terabytes of data and analyzing up to 4 million traffic flows simultaneously, IxNetwork scales to handle the most powerful devices and the largest networks. With its enhanced real-time analysis and statistics, this powerful solution emulates everything from routing and switching, Data Center Ethernet and Software Defined Networking to Broadband Access and Industrial Ethernet for comprehensive testing. And graphical user interface (GUI) wizards make it easier for IT teams to meet a wide range of performance requirements with minimal resources. KEY FEATURES
  • Offers test coverage from 1G to 400G Ethernet
  • Provides comprehensive protocol coverage for routing/switching, multiprotocol label switching (MPLS), broadband access, industrial Ethernet (IE), data center networking, and software-defined networking (SDN)
  • Generates traffic flows that mimic realistic user applications and scenarios
  • Works smoothly in virtualized network environments, and runs from any commercially available compute environment
  • Delivers end-to-end test system automation
  • Performs rapid isolation of service violations, including thorough traffic-flow analysis
  • Emulates a blend of real-world application traffic used on today’s networks 
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Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)

SCCM components include Policy Infrastructure Service Window Manager CCM Scheduler State System CCM CI SDK DCM Agent DCM Reporting CI Agent MTC CI Store CI Downloader CI Task Manager CI State Store Content In[fra]structure Software Distribution Reporting
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Netscout nGenius Pulse

The nGeniusPulse is the addition to the nGenius Platform, adding synthetic testing and infrastructure health monitoring. nGeniusPULSE extends the service-oriented approach of nGeniusONE and ASI. When a problem is identified by nGeniusONE a nd isolated as a potential infrastructure element, IT can drill down directly from the nGeniusONE console to the underlying infrastructure. With one contextual workflow, IT doesn’t need stop the process and start using a separate infrastructure component monitoring tool. Compliments Real User Measurement Testing and Packet Analysis in Netscout’s nGeniusONE Combined with nGeniusONE, nGeniusPULSE delivers total visibility of the enterprise by routinely and automatically monitoring applications and services for performance and availability, while also monitoring the health of the underlying infrastructure that delivers those services. nGeniusPULSE extends the service-centric approach of the nGenius platform with workflows giving visibility from all the way out to SaaS applications and down to infrastructure elements for faster problem resolution. To monitor the health of the infrastructure, nGeniusPULSE Server uses SNMP and WinRM to monitor servers, and SNMP to monitor network devices. nGeniusPULSE also captures and displays syslog information to easily correlate issues found in the infrastructure. For business services from Cloud to conventional applications, active testing automatically and routinely simulates real user actions accessing the service – even if no active users of the application are on the system, in order to proactively alert for issues or outages. The nGeniusPULSE solution is deployed in a data center on a hardware or virtual server providing security and control of your information. Agents, called “nPoints,” can be placed virtually anywhere to run active tests and send results to the nGeniusPULSE Server. From the nGeniusPULSE server, results are displayed in an intuitive interface that includes dashboards, drilldowns, and alerts; as well as easy-to-use configuration and administration functions. nGeniusPULSE also includes direct technical support from NETSCOUT’s best-in-class support teams with 24x7 support services. Main capabilities:
  • Test up to 50 different business services from up to 1,500 differ ent locations on a single server
  • Measure service levels form anywhere users are located - even when they’re not there
  • Create your own custom active tests such as Ping, bandwidth utilization, speed, etc.
  • Monitor up to 25,000 infrastructure elements (servers, interfaces, routers, switches) on a single server
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Netscout nGeniusONE

The nGeniusONE Service Assurance platform provides real-time visibility into the performance of business-critical applications such as web-based applications, voice and video communications, database, financial, or other services by analyz ing wire data as it crosses the network, on premises or in the cloud. nGeniusONE with NETSCOUT’s patented Adaptive Service Intelligence (ASI) technology leverages this wire data to generate “smart data” for smarter analytics to assure performance, manage risk, and facilitate superior decision making regarding application and network services.   The nGeniusONE platform delivers valuable macro-level insights into the status andperformance of enterprise-wide services, application components, individual hosts or groups of clients or servers. This expands the IT architect’s understanding of service consumption patterns, application component dependencies, and overall user experience to better support resource optimization and capacity planning.   Powered by ASI technology, NETSCOUT’s highly scalable Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) engine relies on wire data to provide real-time, contextual analysis of network and service performance, availability and quality. With these insights, nGeniusONE can provide customers end-to-end visibility in complex physical, virtualized, and cloud-based deployments, allowing enterprises to regain visibility into business critical applications and services even in difficult to instrument locations. Main features:
  • Next Generation platform for network and application visibility, monitoring, analytics, reporting, and troubleshooting
  • Patented and scalable ASI technology based on wire data increases the integrity, fidelity, and quality of analysis
  • Provides insight into the performance of all infrastructure and application components involved in service delivery
  • Supports Unified Communications & Collaboration service features including call setup/teardown and call quality analysis
  • Dashboard, Service and Traffic Monitors with contextual Session Analysis and Packet Analysis drill downs
  • Real-time proactive alerting notifies of problems before they become service impacting, user affecting events
  • Customizable reporting module provides day- to-day business and operational reports which can be scheduled for daily, weekly and monthly delivery
  • Scalable, enterprise-class architecture supports large scale geographically distributed deployments in physical, virtualized, hybrid, or cloud-based environments with single pane of glass
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Netwrix Auditor

Detect data security risks and anomalous user behavior before they result in a data breach. Pass compliance audits: PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOX, FISMA, ISO 27001, GLBA, FERPA, NERC and others. Increase the productivity of IT security and operations teams with actionable, ready-to-use intelligence. Assess and Mitigate IT Security Risks Get a bird’s-eye view of your security posture with interactive risk assessment dashboards. Quickly identify your biggest security gaps and use the actionable intelligence to minimize the ability of intruders and insiders to cause damage. Respond immediately to threats Use alerts to be notified about unauthorized activity as it happens so you can prevent security breaches. For example, you can choose to be notified whenever someone is added to the Enterprise Admins group or a user modifies many files in a short period of time, which could indicate a ransomware attack. Identify potential threat actors Improve detection of rogue insiders and accounts compromised by external attackers with an aggregated view of all anomalous activity in your environment. Use the associated risk scores to prioritize the threats and deal with the most dangerous actors first. Investigate anomalies in user behavior Whenever you detect a suspicious event or chain of events, use our interactive Google-like search to investigate how it happened, so you determine the best response and take steps to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. Pass compliance audits with less effort and expense Auditors require proof that specific processes and controls are — and have always been — in place. Netwrix Auditor provides hard evidence that your organization's IT security program adheres to PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR and other standards. Complete visibility into the broadest variety of IT systems In contrast to legacy auditing solutions, Netwrix Auditor delivers visibility and control across all of your on-premises and cloud-based IT systems in a unified way. This IT audit platform provides a single-pane-of-glass view across the entire IT infrastructure that enables IT teams to quickly detect suspicious behavior and investigate it thoroughly.
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SolarWinds Dameware Remote Support

Key Features
  • Fast and secure remote control
  • Anywhere, anytime remote assistance
  • Simplify Windows™ administration
  • Built-in remote admin tools
  • Deliver remote support from iOS and Android devices
  • Remotely manage Active Directory® environments
Remote administration software for end-user support and system troubleshooting from anywhere.
  • Broaden support capabilities - Go beyond the scope of Dameware® Mini Remote Control to provide more comprehensive end-user support
  • Reduce time to resolution - Leverage built-in system administration tools for even faster IT resolution
  • Multi-platform access you need - Quick and easy remote access to Windows, Mac OS® X, and Linux® computers
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SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor

SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor (NPM) is a network monitoring software that enables to quickly detect, diagnose, and resolve network performance problems and outages.   Network performance monitor at a glance
  • Speeds troubleshooting, increases service levels, and reduces downtime.
  • Advanced network troubleshooting for on-premises, hybrid, and cloud services with critical path
  • hop-by-hop analysis.
  • Cross-stack network data correlation for acceleration of problem identification.
  • Monitors and displays response time, availability, and performance of network devices.
  • Improves operational efficiency with out-of-the-box dashboards, alerts, and reports.
  • Automatically discovers network devices and typically deploys in about an hour.
  Main features:
  • Fault, performance, and availability monitoring.Quickly detect, diagnose, and resolve network performance issues and avoid downtime with network optimization software.
  • Hop-by-hop analysis along critical paths.View performance, traffic, and configuration details of devices and applications that are on-premises, in the cloud, or across hybrid environments with NetPath.
  • Cross-stack network data correlation. Accelerate identification of root cause by dragging-and-dropping network performance metrics on a common time line for immediate visual correlation across all of your network data.
  • Customizable topology and dependency-aware intelligent alerts.Respond to multiple condition checks, correlated events, network topology, and device dependencies.
  • Dynamic wired and wireless network discovery and mapping. Automatically discover and map devices, performance metrics, link utilization, and wireless coverage.
  • Automated capacity forecasting, alerting, and reporting. Automatically calculate exhaustion dates using customizable thresholds based on peak and average usage.
  • Comprehensive monitoring of F5 BIG-IP family of products. Visualize and gain insight into the health and performance of your F5 service delivery environment.
  • Wireless network monitoring and management. Retrieve performance metrics for autonomous access points, wireless controllers, and clients.
  • Consultant and services-free deployment. Install and deploy in generally as little as an hour, with out-of-the-box monitors, alerts and reports.
  • Customizable single-pane-of-glass network monitoring software. Customizable web-based network performance dashboards, views, and charts.
  • End-user quality of experience with Packet Capture and Analysis. Determine if changes in end-user experience are caused by the application or the network.
  • Dynamic statistical network performance baselines. Dynamically calculate baseline thresholds from historical network performance data.
  • Hardware Health Monitoring. Monitor, alert, and report on key device metrics, including temperature, fan speed, and power supply.
  • Customizable performance and availability reports. Schedule and generate custom network performance reports with one of over 100 out-of-the-box templates.
  • Drag-and-discover network performance charts. Real-time network performance metrics with interactive charts and graphs from your network devices.
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