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Flow XO for Chat

Chatbots are a great way to greet new visitors to your website. They provide a friendly greeting then can serve as a guide to the site, helping customers find the information they need much more efficiently. Use Flow XO for Chat to connect to your platforms Flow XO for Chat is truly cross-platform, allowing you to create bots that interface with Facebook Messenger, Slack, Twilio SMS, Telegram and even via your existing website. You can connect to one of these platforms or all of them - the choice is yours. Use Flow XO for Workflow to control your bot Once you have one or more platforms connected, you then create a back-end workflow with Flow XO for Workflow that controls what happens when a user interacts with your bot. Here, you can listen for particular keywords and then respond to them accordingly - with answers, weblinks, images or a payment request. Cross-platform customer engagement The fantastic thing about Flow XO for Chat is that your customers can engage with you across every platform in a completely seamless way. For example, their first conversation may be via a web bot on your website, but as the dialogue continues they might want to use Facebook Messenger on their mobile device.
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