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Allure Security

Allure Security reduces data loss by analyzing risks associated with document access and sharing activities, inside and outside of an organization’s control. Their patented technology combines the power of beacons, threat intelligence and active defense to detect and respond to digital risks, better understand the scope of attacks and hold bad actors accountable. Fields of Appliance: Website Spoofing Allure Website Beacons detect a spoofed website as soon as it is viewed by the first visitor, which initiates the take down process immediately upon fraud being committed. Intelligence is then collected to quantify customer and brand impact, inform responses (i.e. notify impacted clients to reset passwords) and uncloak attackers. The spoofed website can also be flooded with decoy credentials until the site is taken down to devalue the information collected by the adversary, and Allure Decoy Documents are used to detect intrusions resulting from attacks. Cloud-Share Risk Allure continuously watch document activities in the cloud and use patented document beacons to track documents after they’ve been downloaded, copied or shared externally. We enrich all file activities with proprietary geofence insights and leverage unique model-based analytics to surface and mitigate risks that otherwise go undetected and unaddressed. Users can generate scheduled or on-demand risk reports, integrate with a SIEM to correlate findings, create custom email alerts based on specific criteria, and deploy decoy documents to foil and reveal hackers and leakers. Intrusions & Insiders Allure uses attacker behaviors and confidence to the advantage of investigators to narrow and eliminate suspects by planting or sharing alluring documents with beacons to see who takes the bait. Once documents are opened, investigators will receive proprietary geofence and telemetry insights. Attackers and leakers can be revealed by correlating Allure's insights with other available data, and attackers can be held accountable by sharing identifiable findings with company decision makers and/or law enforcement. What it provides?
  • Third-Party Monitoring. Know when third parties mishandle or share files outside of policy
  • Document Flow Analytics. Uncover file access and sharing patterns both inside and outside of an organization
  • Breach & Leak Detection. Be alerted early in the attack cycle if sensitive files are compromised or exfiltrated
  • Risk Reports. Schedule monthly reports or generate them on-demand
  • Data Loss Forensics. Track data loss back to the source and hold culprits accountable
  • Geo Location Enrichment. Enrich file logs with proprietary geo location insights
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