AuthRocket Auth as a Service

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers

High costs of IT personnel


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Enhance Staff Productivity

AuthRocket Auth as a Service

AuthRocket covers all the basics: Logins, Signups, Social Logins, Two-factor Auth, Password Security, and much more


Management Filter and Sort The management UI includes lots of niceties—the things you might want to add, but never seem to get around to. Filter and sort users by name, last login, or signup date. Real-time Search Use real-time search to find users and orgs (groups) by name, email, IDs, and other data. CSV Export What happens when someone in marketing needs a list of users? Ever had to open a database connection and write a SQL query? We all know that's not how it's supposed to go. With AuthRocket you won't even have to be involved. Your friendly marketer can login to AuthRocket directly and export their own CSV, all without interupting your workflow. Sessions and SSO Managed Sessions AuthRocket includes full session management, including tracking and enforcing logouts. View active sessions, associated IPs and clients, and even terminate any session at any time. Single Signon Have multiple apps? Web + mobile perhaps? Microservices? Planning to? Worried that your boss will ask for single signon someday? AuthRocket makes SSO completely painless. With AuthRocket, adding a second app, or a third takes only a few minutes. It's so easy your boss just might mistake you for a superhero. Seamless Logins Between Apps Using one password to access multiple apps is already great, but what about a true seamless login experience? Jump between apps (or microservices) without having to login again. Use Organization and Security Groups AuthRocket's data model is surprisingly flexible. One of the places this is most evident is with what we call Orgs, which are a way to organize or group users. Orgs are useful for groups, accounts, companies, or just about any other conceivable grouping of users. Authorization Each membership for every user can contain permissions information. These work like tags for a blog. Use them for permissions, roles, or even other attributes of membership—basically anything that's meaningful to your app. Custom Attributes Users, orgs, and other core record types all allow you to save custom attributes. Custom attributes aren't an add-on and don't require extra API calls. They make your development easy by saving extra data where it belongs—right with everything else. Best-practices Security
  • Multi-factor authentication (via TOTP)
  • Rate-limiting login attempts
  • Adjustable password complexity requirements
  • Encryption of sensitive data at rest
  • Slow-hashing of passwords
  • Audit history of login activity
  • Logs auto-filtered to exclude passwords