Coblue Cybersecurity Storro

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

High costs of IT personnel

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers


Reduce Costs

Enhance Staff Productivity

Coblue Cybersecurity Storro

Storro is a desktop application for private collaboration and secure storage


Secure storage The cloud is great for storing large amounts of files. But its flexibility shouldn’t come at the cost of your data security and privacy. Storro’s unique distributed setup stores your encrypted and compartmentalized data spread out over several locations. This way third parties get neither complete nor readable data -not even in case of a data breach at a storage location. Private collaboration When collaborating, especially with external partners, you need to know that your shared files are private and secure. Regardless of precautions taken at the other end. Thanks to Storro’s compartmentalized approach and multi-level encryption, your files are always protected; during transport, rest and in use. And with the option to communicate directly peer-to-peer you don’t have to trust any service provider. Private collaboration, quick and easy Set up secure spaces to share files with your teams and external contacts in just a few clicks. You can drag files and complete folder structures onto your virtual Storro drive to immediately synchronize them with contacts you have authorized in a specific project. Automatic client side encryption means everything you collaborate on with your contacts is unreadable to anyone without the unique cryptographic keys. Including us. So whether it’s IP, HR files or finances you’re working on, you can rest assured that its contents are only available for those you authorize. Highly scalable, secure storage Storro’s unique set-up prevents insider threats and greatly impedes attacks like DDOS, man-in-the-middle and ransomware, keeping your data available and uncompromised. When you reach the limit of your storage bucket, you can simply scale up with the click of a button. This gives you the affordability and flexibility of public cloud, with the protection and confidentiality of on-premises solutions. High performance, enabling productivity Choose locations in the cloud, on-premises and even on individual devices to store your encrypted data, distributed redundantly. This provides unparalleled availability and synchronization speeds so your team can keep going at all times. Our software was built to optimize speeds of writing, syncing, encrypting and decrypting without compromising the privacy and security of your data. And the best thing is that your workflow can remain unchanged, whilst now enjoying unprecedented protection.