Innoteka Software Development

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

High costs of IT personnel

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers


Reduce Costs

Enhance Staff Productivity


Innoteka Software Development

We are a remote-friendly team of engineers helping entrepreneurs and corporates deliver products and services.


Companies all over the world struggle to find new products and service offering to maintain and grow their market share. In nearly all business domains market demand is now shifting to digitalization. Internet of things (IoT) paradigm promises a revolution in market offering and incomparable user experiences. The product companies of the present are now challenged by software-part of connected products. Product companies of the present are hence the software and service companies of the future. Innoteka helps companies to take the leap into connected future. What do we do Consulting We help companies understand, plan, and execute their digital product launch. Integration We integrate your existing IT systems into new connected product offering. Implementation We accelerate product development to ensure faster time to market of your innovation. We dig into the customer’s underlying need and suggest only the justified solution. We are committed to make our clients awesome. We co-create with clients. We leverage the power of the ecosystem.