Precognitive Device Intelligence

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

High costs of IT personnel

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers


Reduce Costs

Enhance Staff Productivity

Precognitive Device Intelligence

Introducing future-forward device intelligence technology developed to adapt to today’s rapidly changing device landscape


How it works:

Adaptive-ID performs a real-time assessment of devices and dynamically adapts itself to optimize tracking capabilities based on the device type, connection, and prior interactions. Adaptive-ID powers Precognitive’s global device grid, observing and aggregating device intelligence data over a device’s history. Rich device profiles provide actionable intelligence and establish trust in online environments.
  • Identifiers
  • History
  • Network + Connection
  • Device
  • Location
  • Reputation
Features & Benefits:
  • Understand in real-time: Has this user been on my site before? Is this a known user on another device?
  • Prevent damage by bad actors while enabling a smooth journey for consumers.
  • Utilize an easy-to-deploy tag-based solution that starts working immediately. No ramp up time necessary!
  • Enjoy flexibility: Use Adaptive-ID with our entire platform, as a standalone, or with your existing solution.
  • Gain access to a global device network that allows visibility across the web.
  • Benefit from a technology solution that works with all device types, adjusting its techniques to track evasive users with more discrete, harder to identify methods.
  • Compile rich device profile and history data that provides a true understanding of the device and activity, delivering deeper insights than traditional solutions that use outdated techniques.
  • Customize the technology to your level of comfort as well as to industry sector privacy and compliance requirements.
  • Proactively confront vulnerabilities that are inherent in emerging technology, devices, and IoT with our non-invasive, ever-evolving solutions.