Qubit Labs Software Development

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

High costs of IT personnel

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers


Reduce Costs

Enhance Staff Productivity

Qubit Labs Software Development

Build or extend your own custom-recruited software development team that will work from our office in Ukraine within 2-3 weeks.


We build and maintain software development teams in Ukraine. Whether you are looking to hire 1 developer or want to extend your team to 20 developers with a PM, we can help. Get a full-time dedicated development team and significant cost reduction. Our pool of developers/designers will meet your demand in various verticals like Software, Web, Mobile, Game development and Operations. Simple integration of skilled developers with your in-house team. Hire developers that will work from our office 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. You get an offshore development team with relevant expertise while we are responsible for recruiting and HR management. Set up your offshore development center (ODC) quickly and efficiently with Qubit Labs that solves all recruitment and administrative issues. We find the best-matching dedicated programmers and hire tech leads and project managers to lead your offshore/nearshore team in Ukraine. To build and manage software development office in Ukraine without mediators consider our turnkey R&D service. It allows you getting a dedicated software development team with HR managers and all administrative staff to start a core team for the R&D center. Hire developers who will with you on-site or offshore but will be officially employed by our company. You also retain the right to hire developers for full-time official employment in your company. Delegate side tasks to a trusted outsourcing partner. Qubit Labs offers such managed IT services as dedicated DevOps and QA teams and offshore IT support. Book a consultation about hiring developers, dedicated teams model, relocation services or leasing model and cost.