Rambus CryptoManager Device Security

Problems that solves

Unauthorized access to corporate IT systems and data

Risk or Leaks of confidential information

Risk of attacks by hackers

Risk of data loss or damage

Risk of lost access to data and IT systems

High costs


Reduce Costs

Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Rambus CryptoManager Device Security

CryptoManager Device Security creates a trusted path from SOC hardware root of trust, to silicon and device provisioning, to downstream cloud-based services.


CryptoManager Device Security is a complete silicon-to-cloud solution, composed of security cores, provisioning infrastructure, and cloud-based device key management.
  • The CryptoManager Root of Trust provides strong SoC security anchored in hardware through a family of purpose-built secure co-processor cores.
  • CryptoManager Provisioning performs the distribution of cryptographic keys to SoCs and devices across the manufacturing supply chain.
  • CryptoManager Device Key Management is a cloud-based software platform enabling the deployment of key management services by chipmakers and system OEMs leveraging hardware-provisioned keys and certificates.
The elements of CryptoManager Device Security can be deployed separately or as a comprehensive end-to-end security solution protecting chips and devices through the entire device lifecycle.

Scheme of work

 Scheme of work

User features

Roles of Interested Employees

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Information Officer

Chief IT Security Officer

IT Security and Risk Management

Organizational Features

IT Security Department in company