Rolique Software Development

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers

High costs of IT personnel


Enhance Staff Productivity

Reduce Costs

Rolique Software Development


Rolique is a software solution provider committed to streamlining in-and-out-house business processes with smart custom digital systems.


We believe in smart web and a healthy digital world. This is our ultimate goal and we are willing to make it our crowning achievement. Fresh ideas and dogged determination to make the world a better place – this is our vision of a start-up spirit needed. Our mission is to help bright ideas make it to the real world. By popular demand, we now start our own Minimum Viable Product (MVP) program, which is aimed at helping passionate people put their ideas into action. We will help you
  • Сonduct a market analysis for a successful launch
  • Define the scope of your MVP
  • Design, build and launch your MVP
  • Carry out in-depth analytical analysis and help you with the scale strategy
  • Support and maintain your product its launch
  • Constantly add new features and updates
There are five to six percent of people across the globe, whose ideas are set to change the world. Let it be yours! Our MVP program offers you a unique chance to have your own app up and running in 6 to 10 weeks. This means, if started today, in 6 to 10 weeks you will already have a sound grasp of your idea. You will have the answers to your questions: Is my concept working? Can my product get traction? Is it good enough for investors to spend money on? You don’t need to squander 10 weeks of your time and money on sheer ‘validation’ of the idea. We will assist you with it during the first two weeks. What’s not covered by the program
  • Helping obtain funding for the project
  • Helping hire other developers
  • Conducting full-scale market research
  • Marketing the product and/or creating a SEO strategy