SK infosec Secudium Platform

Problems that solves

Unauthorized access to corporate IT systems and data

Risk or Leaks of confidential information

Risk of attacks by hackers

Risk of data loss or damage

Risk of lost access to data and IT systems


Reduce Costs

Ensure Security and Business Continuity

SK infosec Secudium Platform

Secudium is a data management platform that serves as the foundation of SK infosec’s security services.


In this era of digital transformation, diverse devices are being connected to the internet, resulting in an overflow of data. Many enterprises strive to collect, analyze, and apply such data in their business to create new market values. However, as the volume of such data exceeds current data management capacities, businesses are having difficulties fully utilizing the data. Secudium connects heterogeneous equipment of various industries on a single platform and collects data from that equipment following the changing times and the needs of enterprises. Collected data go through normalization and are then reproduced as information resources that can be instantly used by enterprises. Enterprises can create values with information from Secudium and expand business areas. Secudium largely consists of network/collection/analysis/management sectors. Even now, it is constantly evolving through collaboration with many enterprises from diverse business sectors. SK infosec is currently leading many business projects based on the Secudium platform, as well as developing new services to meet the needs of clients.

User features

Roles of Interested Employees

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Information Officer

Chief IT Security Officer

IT Security and Risk Management

Organizational Features

IT Security Department in company