tenfold Access Management Software

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

High costs of IT personnel

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers


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tenfold Access Management Software

Manage IT users and their access rights in one central and automated software solution


Why opt for tenfold as your choice of Access Management Software?

tenfold is a central hub designed to help you handle all tasks involved in user and access management.

Improved IT Security No more complicated and risky access structures – with tenfold, you can create user accounts automatically, visualize access rights and integrate data managers into every important step of the workflow. Increased Efficiency Save time, save money: workflows, profiles and self-service are all integral constituents of our solution and ensure a high degree of automation for all tasks involved in the management of users and access rights. Legal Compliance Who had access to what systems and when? tenfold knows. With tenfold, your documentation will be seamless and complete – an aspect that is vital for adhering to legal regulations like the GDPR, ISO 27001. Features:
  • Identity & Access Management. It is now as simple and safe as ever to manage access rights and accounts of users from start to finish, covering the entire lifecycle.
  • Self Service & Workflows. The user-friendly self-service interface makes it extra easy to request and approve changes.
  • Access Governance. Use tenfold to define and implement access policies that help to reduce the risk of data abuse.
  • Microsoft Integration. tenfold is the ideal access rights management solution for Microsoft® environments.
  • Third Party Integration. Our software provides integration with important standard ERP and CRM solutions, such as SAP ERP
  • Scripting. In cases where tenfold’s standard integration features do not suffice, you can use scripting to write your own features.