Uniscon Sealed Platform

Problems that solves

Unauthorized access to corporate IT systems and data

Risk or Leaks of confidential information

Risk of attacks by hackers

Risk of data loss or damage

Risk of lost access to data and IT systems

High costs


Reduce Costs

Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Uniscon Sealed Platform

The Ultra Secure Cloud Platform - a breakthrough for sensitive applications in the cloud.


Applications with the highest needs for IT security can now find a secure home in the cloud – the sealed platform® from uniscon®. The unique zero trust architecture uses purely technical means to protect data and applications from any unauthorized access. Even privileged access is technically prevented. With the support of Docker and Kubernetes, almost every application can leverage the security of sealed platform®. Sealed Platform – the ultimate security upgrade for:
  • Platform operators or telecommunication service providers;
  • Companies with their own data centers and/or their own clouds;
  • Independent software vendors (ISV) and SaaS providers.
Industries that especially benefit from Sealed Platform®: For financial service providers, electrical utilities, water suppliers, companies that use the Internet of Things and many others, the sealed platform® is the cloud solution of choice. The reason is simple: Its security level based on »privacy by design« is unique. It is perfect for the operation of vulnerable applications and trouble-free adherence to compliance regulations. Regtech and its efficient use in the financial sector Regtech comprises measures and technologies that support compliance and risk management and optimize compliance processes and their integration and administration. The sealed platform® offered by uniscon®
  • meets the requirements for outsourcing to cloud providers (set in Germany by the German Financial Supervisory Authority) and
  • reduces the costs of compliance as a Platform as a Service (PaaS).
Protecting critical infrastructures Countries place a high priority on protecting their transport, energy, water and health-care systems. The sealed platform® meets this need. The solution offered by uniscon
  • complies with the German IT Security Act and the special requirements it places on the state of technology, and it
  • meets the information technology requirements of the German Office for Information Security.
Securely storing and processing IoT data The Internet of Things is taking over virtually every aspect of life and industry. The sealed platform® provides companies with a wide range of opportunities, including:
  • The networking of machines, sensors and control elements via a highly secure platform,
  • Planning and operating smart buildings via BIM environment (even existing platforms can be integrated into building information modeling),
  • Data backups, for instance for additive manufacturing and assembly lines.

User features

Roles of Interested Employees

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Information Officer

Chief IT Security Officer

IT Security and Risk Management

Organizational Features

IT Security Department in company