KeyToTech Software Development

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KeyToTech Software Development

With a solid experience in IT industry, our engineering team offers a full-cycle software development of any kind.


We’re working using modern methodologies including Scrum and Agile. We always provide our clients with the estimates and keep updated on the work progress. From the first day we start and to the release day. We want to make sure our clients get the product they expect, so every stage of our work process is planned out using modern methodologies. In KeyToTech we have a defined, well-formed project development methodology to cover all aspects of building a product from scratch. From the start of project development in KeyToTech we are defining four main phases to work on during project development life-cycle:
  • Thinking and planning.
  • Building.
  • Extending.
  • Releasing and using.
Product release/support Now that your project is ready it’s time to share it with the rest of the World. We are as excited about this day as you are! Application release is made to either App Store or Play Market, whereas other kinds of projects may need other platforms. You can always check our previous releases under the portfolio section. It’s best to have the same programming specialists writing and supporting the code. We’re more than happy to continue working with our client after the release and make their products even more competitive and implement changes in its functionality as their needs change.