Baffle Advanced Data Protection

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Baffle Advanced Data Protection

Data-centric protection to reduce data theft risk


Baffle’s solution goes beyond legacy encryption to truly close gaps in the data access threat model. Baffle provides an advanced data protection solution that protects data in memory, in process and at-rest to reduce insider threat and data theft risk. Baffle’s solution is an advanced data protection solution for two main reasons:
  • The solution delivers application level encryption via a “no code” model

  • The technology provides “homomorphic-like” functionality meaning it enables mathematical operations, sorting and searching on AES encrypted data without ever decrypting the underlying values in memory, in process, or at-rest

Benefits: Simple to Deploy: No application code modification required Baffle requires no changes to application tier code. The application operates as normal without embedding an SDK or library and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) apps can be supported. Fast Performance: Virtually no performance impact Baffle has neglible impact on base level store and retrieve operations. Advanced operations on encrypted data are typically inline with transparent data encryption (TDE) overhead metrics. Full Functionality: Does not break your apps Baffle supports sort, wildcard search, and mathematical operations on encrypted data without decrypting the data. This ensures that data is protected at all times without compromising application functionality for your users or requiring application modification. Strong Security: AES encryption in use, in memory, at-rest Baffle uses industry standard AES encryption and protects data in memory, in use and at-rest while allowing secure computation to occur on encrypted data.

Scheme of work

 Scheme of work