Data Resolve Technologies inDefend

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers

High costs of IT personnel


Enhance Staff Productivity

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Data Resolve Technologies inDefend

Combat Insider Threat Intelligently With inDefend


inDefend is built to achieve full transparency over all the computers of the organization by maintaining relevant data and network control. The application is designed to prevent access to unauthorized removable media devices, websites and applications. inDefend Capabilities
  • Discover. Understand where all the sensitive data of the organization resides that could lead to possible compromise
  • Analyze. Evaluate every piece of data being sent out by empoyees through vrious channels based on pre-defind patterns, keywords phareses or logis flows
  • Control. Activate inDefend to lock down specific channels or activities in case of any sensitive data exfiltration, which could harm your organization
  • Alert. Maintain actionable intelligence on the crime, the system it originated from and the person who committed it
  • Detect.Ascertain and monitor fragments of sensitive data that could be to unsolicited views outside the organization
Business Benefits to Meet Your Organizational Goals Company Size Agnostic inDefend helps you monitor every employee of the organization, regardless of the organizational size. Be Compliance Ready Gain industry compliance suiting your company needs and protect the company's data from being compromised. Visibility On Exiting Employees Better control over employees on notice period and complete transparency over their activities. Insights With CI Report Generate full fidelity profiles of all the employees and track their productivity and behavior on digital assets. Track Remote Workers Worry less about productivity of remote employees, roaming work-force or employees working from home. Safeguard Intellectual Property Protect your company's trade and financial data from falling into wrong hands. Unified Workflow and Policy Manage access permissions for huge groups of scattered employees with a cleverly orchestrated policy through our unique data flow analysis. Initiate Legal Proceedings Maintain screenshots of specific employee crimes who are responsible for damaging the company's reputation.