SecuPi Platform

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

High costs of IT personnel

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers


Reduce Costs

Enhance Staff Productivity

SecuPi Platform

SecuPi provides a single platform for protecting sensitive data


Benefits SecuPi provides granular user activity visibility and controls, covering packaged and home-grown applications, tools and big-data environments. SecuPi can make production and non-production applications GDPR-ready within days.
  • Protect Data and Meet Compliance Within Days. Deployed across thousand of application nodes and DBA clients in a matter of days
  • One-stop Shop Platform. A single centralized solution for protection and privacy compliance for all applications. Protect data in transit, in use and at rest.
  • Low Development Efforts. No source-code changes, No DB agents, No development efforts with fast & cost-effective implementation
Privacy Compliance SecuPi delivers a compliance-enforcement platform with granular visibility and Data Access Governance capabilities for being aligned with today's privacy regulations (e.g. GDPR, CCPA, PCI) and comply with future ones. The platform provides the technical tools for implementing discovery, monitoring and control of personal data access, helping to address compliance articles such as "right to be forgotten", “records of processing”, “data cancellation”, “consent controls”, “data minimization” and pseudonymization across enterprise applications. Security The SecuPi Platform protects enterprise applications, data warehouses, and DBA client tools from malicious insiders and hackers. By combining Dynamic Data Masking, Data Activity Monitoring and User Behavior Analytics, SecuPi detects and prevents malicious insider activity. When handling data access, SecuPi doesn’t change the actual data, only it’s presentation, ensuring that the data remains accurate and unmanipulated. Capabilities
  • Discover & Map. Discover, map and classify personal customer data and data-flows on applications and systems
  • Monitor & Audit. Real-time monitoring and auditing of user activity applied for privacy requirements such as “Records of processing activities” and “Right of access”
  • Control & Protect. Mask, redact and encrypt personal data and meet privacy regulation requirements such as "Right to be Forgotten", "Consent & Data Minimization", while keeping data access on a need to know basis