VU Vault

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

High costs of IT personnel

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers


Reduce Costs

Enhance Staff Productivity

VU Vault


Secure, fast-response exchange of sensitive data through references to a vault of encrypted data


What is it? It is a sensitive data vault that also works as keyguard for encryption. It reports only a part of the information, using a reference (token) that leads to the validation of the most critical data Benefits:
  • It allows transaction through different channels to prevent the violation of sensitive data.
  • It is a tool used by TODOPAGO in Argentina.
  • It is verified by VISA for its data tokenization support.
  • It achieves fast, easy and efficient integration between channels with VU App & Cloud Server.
  • It does not require specialized hardware, it has a low acquisition cost and it has a perptual licensing scheme.
  • It includes integration with HSM for the storage of sensitive information encryption keys.
  • It is protected in BD and performs integrations through Web Services and API REST.
About VU Vault® It is a sensitive data vault that also works as an encryption key safeguard. It only reports a small portion of information using a reference (token) to validate the most critical data. Transactions can be made via different channels to prevent the sensitive data from being breached. It is verified by VISA for its data tokenization compatibility. It is a tool used by TODOPAGO in Argentina. It has a quick, easy and effcient integration between the channels and VU App & Cloud Server

Scheme of work

 Scheme of work