AppGuard ServerGuard

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AppGuard ServerGuard

Security solution dedicated to Servers


AppGuard Server is a zero-trust host-based endpoint protection agent for Windows and Linux servers, centrally managed from the same system as agents for laptops and desktops. Unlike alternatives that must quarantine and restore a server at any indication of possible malice, AppGuard Server allows mission-critical Apps to safely run safely until a scheduled maintenance window, even if suspicious processes have elevated privileges. AppGuard footprint is 10 to 200 times lighter than alternatives in terms of CPU, memory, install size, and network bandwidth. Server security is different than PC protection What you need to protect in a server is different than in a PC. There are cases where Anti Virus software used in PC are installed in Servers, however, in reality, it does not provide robust security. This is because what you want to protect in a server is different than a PC. In a PC, the user will read an email, surf the web, and execute applications used for business. In contrast, there are different types of servers ranging from database servers, IIS and Web servers, AD servers, SQL servers, etc. Protecting what matters depends on the types of servers you want to protect. You need a security solution that is dedicated to the type of server to provide complete safety. Adversaries also conducts their attack based on the types of servers. There is no security solution today that is optimized for Server protection Today, the main security products available for servers are based on Whitelisting. Whitelisting controls the launch of applications. The biggest issue with whitelisting is its difficulty in maintaining the whitelist. Whitelisting requires updating a list of application permitted to launch. This has to be specified by every version, patch, etc. of all application that will be used on the server. In a dynamic environment, it requires tremendous effort to maintain this list for all servers in the enterprise. In reality, many organizations use network security such as firewalls to protect their servers. However, if an attack gets through the network security, there is a high risk of servers getting compromised. ServerGuard dedicated to server security SERVERGUARD provides optimal security for the individual purpose of the server. It prevents Pass the Hash and Pass the Ticket types of attacks. SQL injection and worm based attacks from networks can also be prevented. Based on the patented Isolation technology, SERVERGUARD will prevent any process that will harm the system configuration and will ensure the normal operation of the server and will protect the safety of the system. Features: Containment. Prevents App Exploits, SQL injections and other attacks from using Apps to infect server or other Apps Isolation. Prevents malicious processes from altering or stealing data from an App or resource, such as password caches Set & Forget System. Controls auto-adapt to App updates, patches, and the unexpected, eliminating the need for policy updates from month to years Lightweight. Ten to two hundred times lighter in terms of CPU memory, install size and network bandwidth Cloud & Hardware Independent. Works in conjunctions with hosts regardless of cloud or h/w. No protection degradation from net isolation Mission Critical Resilience. Allows mission critical Apps to keep running safely despite a malicious process in server Benefits:
  • Simple Deployment
  • Real-Time Protection
  • Prevents In-Memory Attacks
  • No Sandboxing