Levi9 Software Development

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

High costs of IT personnel

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers


Reduce Costs

Enhance Staff Productivity

Levi9 Software Development

We guarantee our customers cost savings and innovative solutions using advanced technologies.


By working with us you will achieve significant cost reductions as opposed to application development in Western Europe. You can travel to any of our development centres within half a day, and our teams can visit your location within a similar timeframe. We offer a communication culture that reflects the Western European way of working by working proactively, thinking together with the client and putting ourselves in your position: we do not blindly execute what is asked. We attract high volumes of highly skilled, university educated professionals with various experience, who enjoy working for us and for our clients. Therefore our attrition rates are low, and our proposals can be taken at face value: there are no hidden costs. When we do face issues, we first look into an effective resolution and secondly into the contractual terms. Thereby we have an extensive track record of successful projects: clients such as TomTom and Exact entrust their product development with Levi9. At Levi9 we strongly believe in Agile methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban. These methods promote frequent feedback and overall open communication, which prevents misunderstandings and subsequent mistakes. To enable transparency and agility of communication, we use web-based collaboration tools for daily development activities. JIRA Atlassian is our preferred platform, seeing as it offers an Agile board and other Scrum and Kanban related functionalities such as burn-down charts. Our preferred delivery model is what we call Team as a Service. This means that we not only provide well balanced cross-functional teams that are the best fit for the assignment, but also take responsibility for quality and timeliness of delivery of software. While we are using an agile setup to deliver the software, we also take responsibility to achieve milestones and reach deadlines together with your Product Owners and other stakeholders. Application and System Management encompass the majority of the application life cycle. After being released to production, software products require constant supervision and support in order to resolve and prevent incidents. Thereby it is necessary to adapt to the changing business environment, influenced by the evolving wishes of end users. Application management aims to sustain the applications functionality in order to enable users to make optimal use of it over time. By maintaining the application, its functionality is modified and enhanced. System management refers to all the activities performed in order to ensure normal operation of the underlying software systems on top of which the applications are operating. Levi9 provides the whole spectrum of services: Incident, Problem, Availability, Capacity and Release management, as well as Reactive/Preventive and Adaptive/Innovative Change management. These activities are managed through ITIL and ASL best practices and implemented through Agile, Lean and DevOps principles.