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Source: Web-site of vendor


Achieving the ‘ONE BANK’ vision “With over 55,000+ users & 4,000+ branches and multiple integration points, it was hard for any system to match our expectations. But with CRMNEXT, we have enjoyed 99.9% uptime availability and seamless scalability.” - Rajesh Wagh, Sr. Vice President (IT) CUSTOMER CHALLENGES
  • Build comprehensive & actionable 360° customer view.
  • Fragmented customer information in multiple disparate systems.
  • Fragmented selling process leading to fragmented ownership, low visibility and challenges in monitoring of turn-around times.
  • Time consuming processes for reconciliation and generation of reports.
  • Low visibility of information leading to inefficiencies in cross-sell and up-sell.
  • Highly demanding and sensitive managed customer segment.
  • Large customer base and associated data management challenges.
SOLUTIONS PROVIDED Delivering AmazingCustomer Experience
  • CEasy on-boarding
  • Instant gratification
  • Reliable service.
  • Personalized relationships
  • Consistency across channels
Deploying Private Cloud
  • Ultra-scalable, elastic
  • Use commodity hardware
  • 100% auto upgradable
  • Always on, always current
  • Reliable integrations
Creating Single Destination Convenience for Users
  • Reduce application hopping
  • Automate to reduce workload
  • Assistance in target achievement Information on finger tips
  • Actionable intelligence at point of interaction
Executing Faster Processes
  • 200% faster sales TAT
  • Best in class process efficiency
  • Pro-active SLA management
  • Core system synchronized
RESULTS Sales Automation
  • 208% Increase in Lead Conversion
  • 40% Increase in Cross Selling
  • 90% Reduction in Sales TAT
Customer Service & Support
  • 52% Improvement in Service Quality
  • 42% Increase in Net Promoters Score
Campaign Management
  • 370% Increase in Leads Generated
  • 108% Increase in Response Rate
  • 23% Increase in Campaign Frequency
Staff Impact
  • 73% Bank workforce using CRMNEXT
  • 10,000+ No. of daily personalized reports



Low quality of customer service

High costs of routine operations

Failure to attract new customers

Customer attrition

Low quality of customer support

Business tasks

Reduce Costs

Enhance Staff Productivity

Improve Customer Service

Increase Customer Base

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